vineri, 25 septembrie 2015

Linux Mint, best for former / current Windows users


If you use or have used Windows and you want to try another operating system for various reasons, but you want somrthing else free and easy to use in the same time , I recommend Linux Mint. This is the best Linux distrubution for former/current windows users.

Linux Mint can provide two interfaces similar to Windows. One of these interfaces is called Cinnamon. I like this inferface but resembles like desktop from Windows and is easy to use. The second interface that can be chosen if you want to install Linux Mint is called Mate and sits in first place in the order of my preferences.

I am more than sure that almost all Windows users can work in these two interfaces, I'm not saying you can't do in others, but these two environments are the easiest to use and that are closest resemblance to desktop objects in Windows those who don't know , Linux Mint is an operating system which is based on Ubuntu. It comes with a lot of preinstalled applications. Linux Mint uses the same repository applications (Software Center) like Ubuntu , so you have that choice. There are a good alternative for all the programs you've used in Windows. For .exe files exist Wine (emulator) , then open the .exe file to install it with him.


In Linux there are very few games and their graphics is far from the games for Windows . If you're a gamer , then Linux is not for you. Perhaps only if you want to try dual- boot ( to have two operating systems installed on your hard disk - Windows and a Linux distribution ) .

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